1. When should my child begin potty training?
Most children ideally are ready to start potty training between the ages of two and three. However some eager children may show signs of early interest. This interest at the younger ages tend to ween off rather quickly and your focused attempts may be futile if started too soon. Some signs to look for are :
- discomfort in dirty diapers
- pulling their pants up and down
- understanding or being able to say "need to go"
Your needs or desires to start this process may be further along than your child's desire or skill set. Like any process, it takes time and a great deal of patience.
2. How do I get my child to use the potty?
Introduce your child to the potty explaining what it is used for and how it works. Encourage them to sit on it whenever they want. Practice daily with them, asking if they need to go and walk them to the potty, going through the process fully each time. You can even make the entire event fun, with songs, rewards and positive attention.
3. How to I get my child to use the actual toilet?
Once your child has master the potty or you can graduate to the seat adapter to make a smoother tranistions. Note some parents may choose to skip the first the potty altogether, you know your child best but remember be flexible as your child's needs may change.