It's never too early to start teaching your child simple math concepts. Basic math and number concepts learned in a child’s early years sets the foundation for learning more advanced math concepts later. Early exposure to math and number activities will promote your child’s comfort and confidence with math skills. An early opportunity to practice math skills will build your child’s confidence empowering them to believe they are “good at math.”
Incorporating numbers and counting in your child's everyday life can give your child a great head start when they enter school.
Lilybug Learning incorporates math into all our activities daily with a focus on the basic math skills of numbers and counting. Teaching moments are both informal within various activities and games every day and formal with dedicated time for learning basic math skills.
Age appropriate math skills that Lilybug Learning focuses on teaching your child include:
- Numeral Identification: Learning what the 10 numerals (0 through 9) look like.
- Counting: A child first learns to count by memorization of the order and names of the numbers from 1 through 10.
- One-To-One Correspondence: Understanding that each object being counted represents “one more.”
- Counting On: Continue counting objects added to a previously counted group without recounting the entire group.
- Patterning recognition and creation: Understanding a pattern is any sequence that repeats at least twice, such as when all digits rotate from 0 to 9 before restarting back at 0.
- Classifying and Sorting: provide children with opportunities to develop logical reasoning skills as well as demonstrate divergent (independent) thinking.